Chemex vs Aeropress: The Ultimate Coffee Brewing Showdown

published on: 2022-05-11

When it comes to coffee brewing, there are many different methods that you can use. Some people prefer Chemex, while others prefer Aeropress. So which one is better?

In this article we’re going to compare Chemex vs Aeropress:

But first, let’s inspect each of these coffee making methods briefly.

Chemex: the pour option

Chemex Chemex is a pour-over style coffee maker that was invented in 1941. It’s made out of glass and has a wood collar and tie. The Chemex coffee maker is designed to brew coffee using the Chemex filter - a cone shaped paper filter.

The method how Chemex turns coffee beans and water into coffee is based on a simple principle: hot water extracts the flavor from coffee beans as it passes through them. The Chemex coffee maker uses gravity to draw the water down, through the grounds, and into the pot below.

To make coffee using Chemex, you’ll need the following equipment:

Not a lot of equipment! And it’s really not that complicated to make coffee using Chemex either.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide how to make coffee using Chemex:

  1. Heat water to boiling and let it cool for about 30 seconds. You don’t want the water to be too hot, as this will scald the coffee beans.
  2. Place the Chemex filter in the top of the coffee maker. Make sure that the three layered side of the filter is facing up.
  3. Wet the filter with hot water. This will help to remove any paper taste from the filter and also preheat the coffee maker.
  4. Discard the water that you used to wet the filter.
  5. Add ground coffee to the filter. The amount of coffee you’ll need will depend on how many cups of coffee you want to make.
  6. Pour hot water over the grounds, using a circular motion. Start with small amounts of water and gradually increase the amount until all the water has been added.
  7. Let the coffee brew for about three minutes.
  8. Remove the filter and coffee grounds from the Chemex.
  9. Pour the coffee into cups and enjoy!

Written out, the brewing method might seem it’s complicated, but in reality it’s straightforward.

Aeropress: the press option

Aeropress The Aeropress coffee maker is a manual coffee brewing device that was invented in 2005. It’s made out of plastic and consists of two nested cylinders, with a filter on the smaller cylinder.

This method is based on the principle of using air pressure to force hot water through coffee grounds.

To make coffee using Aeropress, you’ll need the following equipment:

Again, not a lot of equipment is needed and it’s actually quite simple to make coffee using Aeropress.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide how to make coffee using Aeropress:

  1. Heat water to boiling and let it cool for about 30 seconds. You don’t want the water to be too hot, as this will scald the coffee beans. Ideal temperature is 195-205 degrees Fahrenheit (or 90-93 Celcius)
  2. Place the filter in the cap of the Aeropress. Make sure that the filter is wet before you add it to the cap, as this will help to remove any paper taste from the filter.
  3. Add ground coffee to the cylinder. The amount of coffee you’ll need will depend on how many cups of coffee you want to make.
  4. Insert the plunger into the cylinder, making sure that the rubber end is facing up.
  5. Slowly press the plunger down, until it’s about halfway down the cylinder.
  6. Pour hot water over the grounds, using a circular motion. Start with small amounts of water and gradually increase the amount until all the water has been added.
  7. When all the water has been added, continue to press the plunger down slowly. The coffee will start to come out of the spout.
  8. When the coffee has finished brewing, remove the Aeropress from the mug and press the plunger all the way down.
  9. Discard the used grounds and filter.
  10. Pour the coffee into a mug and enjoy!

As you can see, making coffee using an Aeropress is different to making coffee using a Chemex. That being said, both methods are quite simple and only require a few pieces of equipment.

Chemex vs Aeropress

It’s time to finally get to Chemex vs Aeropress battle. In one corner we have the Chemex, a pour-over coffee maker that has been around since 1941. In the other corner is the Aeropress, a newer coffee brewing method that was invented in 2005. So which one is the better coffee brewing method?

Chemex vs Aeropress: ease of use

When it comes to ease of use, the Aeropress definitely has the Chemex beat. The Chemex requires you to heat up water separately and then pour it over the coffee grounds. The Aeropress, on the other hand, takes less of your time and you’ll only need to be able to use your hand to plunge the device down.

With Chemex you’ll have to be more considerate to how you’ll pour the water on the coffee beans to avoid over extraction in some part of your beans. Then there’s the factor of pouring speed. It’s entirely possible to pour the water too quickly and thus create a coffee that’s under extracted. If you want to make a great cup of coffee with Chemex, you’ll need some practice.

Brew time

The Chemex takes a little longer to brew coffee than the Aeropress. On average, it takes about three and a half minutes to brew coffee with the Chemex. The Aeropress, on the other hand, only takes about one minute to brew coffee.

Aeropress takes a bit longer to clean because you have to remove the coffee filter and then wash it out. The Chemex is easier to clean because you can just throw away the coffee grounds and rinse out the carafe.

In terms of brew time Chemex vs Aeropress, the latter wins.

Chemex vs Aeropress: taste of coffee

When it comes to taste, it’s really a matter of personal preference. Some people prefer the taste of coffee brewed with the Chemex, while others prefer the taste of coffee brewed with the Aeropress.

There is no clear winner. Both the Chemex and Aeropress make great-tasting coffee. However, some people say that the Chemex makes slightly better-tasting coffee because of its slower brewing time.

Slower brewing time allows for more of the coffee’s flavor to be extracted. This is why some people prefer the taste of coffee brewed with the Chemex. That’s not to say that the coffee coming out of Aeropress wouldn’t be flavorful, it’s just that Chemex allows for a bit more of the coffee’s natural flavors to shine through.

So when it comes to Chemex vs Aeropress: taste, it really depends on your personal preference.

Chemex vs Aeropress: price

The Chemex is definitely the more expensive coffee brewing method, but it’s worth it if you’re looking for a high-quality cup of coffee. The Aeropress, on the other hand, is a more affordable option that doesn’t sacrifice quality.

In order to buy a Chemex, you’ll need to be ready to pay around $40. The Aeropress, on the other hand, only costs about $30.

When it comes to Chemex vs Aeropress: price, the latter is the more affordable option. There are more expensive alternatives of course, but if you’re looking for a quality cup of coffee without breaking the bank, the Aeropress is the way to go.

Bottom line

So, which coffee brewing method is better? Chemex vs Aeropress? It really depends on what you’re looking for in a cup of coffee. If you’re looking for an easy-to-use and affordable option, then the Aeropress is the way to go. If you’re looking for a higher-quality cup of coffee, then the Chemex is the better choice. Whichever one you choose, you can’t go wrong. Both the Chemex and Aeropress make great-tasting coffee.

Filed under: chemexaeropressbrewingcomparison